A Travellerspoint blog

We're off again

Then there were three...

semi-overcast 21 °C
View Round2: Asia on MyriandKodi's travel map.

After two and a half wonderful years in Melbourne we are now taking the slow route back to Europe. We're planning to travel SE Asia for half a year or so before settling back in Spain (probably).
Five years have passed since our trip around the world and it seems the travel bug has bitten again. Since Nerea's birth in 2013 we haven't really been traveling anymore (well, we were tripping around Europe, spent some time in China and Japan and did a few trips back and forth between Europe and Australia, also visiting New Zealand and Fiji... Not much traveling at all!).
The last two weeks we spent saying good-bye to Melbourne and Tri-Alliance (special mentions to my beloved Irish from Team Taupo), with whom I spent most of my free time in the last two years.
We had a last short stopover in Sydney (some more good-byes) and have now arrived in hot and humid Kuala Lumpur where the next adventure begins!

I had actually planned to wrap up our "old" 2012 blog (a couple of months in South America haven't been covered yet). But it seems I have managed to put the pictures from that time into storage, so this will have to wait a bit longer...).
Let's see how much writing I'll be doing these coming months!


Posted by MyriandKodi 06:52 Archived in Australia

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buen viajes chicos....

by Rlozano

Have fun!!!!!!!

by Michael

Enjoy your time!

by Veronika and Heiko

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